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We plan to collect for our own privtae physicians and pedo offices along with the following facilities. DMC, Troy & Royal Oak Beaumont, Oakwood Hospital, Dallas Children's Hospital and other facilities we partner with.  If you'd like to purchase them on your own and mail them to us, please send us a message through our contact page. We'll provide you with an address to do so.

Coloring Books & Crayons


How many of us STILL enjoy breaking out the books and crayons once in a while? I know I do. Bechet really has a heart to create these fun packages at NO cost to the patient. She really hopes that her idea will help kids like her to feel not so sad or afraid at the doctor's office.

Creative Books


It's important to serve others. We've made books for younger kids about our experiences. We encourage our kids to do likewise. We help them create books (made by other kids) in pictures and words they can understand.

Paints, Paintbrushes & Paper


For our friends whose stay might be a little longer or more extensive, we've come us with our "beautiful brushes". It will give little ones the opportunity to be creative, have fun and not focus on an extended stay.



One thing we've learned from our older kids is journaling.  They really enjoy journaling their experiences. I think it's theraputic for them. We will use donation to purchase journals, stickers, and coverings for the books for our clients.

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